
  • Charles教你如何讓自己成為名校青睞的留學生已关闭评论
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親愛的同學們,在跟着Charles外教學習了Public speaking等四門學術課程后,是不是更加期待本周我們會為大家帶來的新驚喜呢?加領小編當然不會辜負大家的期望,今天為同學們分享的依然是Charles外教的誠意之作—國外名校究竟青睞什麼樣的學生以及如何提高自己的國際升學競爭力。那我們話不多說,趕快來聽課吧~


Getting into schools because of good grades simply(簡單的) isn’t enough in today’s world. What do these schools look for? Well, in short, they look for things such as the courses you are taking, your personal(個人) interests extracurricular(課外的) activities. They are also looking for certain qualities in students. Besides that, how can an international student compete(競爭) well in order to increase their chances of getting accepted(被錄取)?

First, let's take a look at courses that a student might take. Besides the basic courses of subject, such as the sciences (which include biology), the math courses such as algebra and geometry( 代數和幾何學), and the language arts classes, what else has a student taken? Have they taken extra art classes? What about classes in computer science(計算機科學)? What about engineering(工程) or more advanced science and math classes such as chemistry(化學) and calculus(微積分)? Many of these are not actually required to get into schools, as student takes them by choice. This shows the school what your interests are in regards to academia(學術界). But it it doesn't stop there. If the classes are designated as advanced placement or honors, this really shows the student being dedicated(專心致志) and knowledgeable in that subject.

Next, let’s take a look at personal interests and extracurricular activities. What is meant by these is what the student likes to do in their free time when not at school. These can include things such as hobbies and sports. Sport speak for themselves. They are not easy and require someone to keep practicing(持續不斷的練習) in order to get better at it(更好的掌握它), as well as teamwork. Hobbies can be virtually(幾乎) anything, such as collecting things, building models, painting, music, and so on. What a student would want to do their best and avoid mentioning would be “watching television” and “playing computer games” as their favorite hobbies, as these are seen as more passive and time-wasting activities (unless the student perhaps wants to major in(主修) television production or game design).

Third, another thing schools are looking for are the qualities that students possess. These qualities are: showing creativity, being a curious(好奇的) individual, having a sense of responsibility(責任感), showing that you can be apart of a team, having influence(影響力), taking the initiative(主動性) and not have to be told all the time what to do, and being able to resist stress(抵抗壓力). There are actually four more of these qualities, which can be deemed more important. They are: the ability to speak in public, being able to think critically, having an understanding of academic writing, and leadership ability. Public speaking is important as you will face times in life in which you will have to speak to a group of people or present a class project. Critical thinking skills are also important as many real-life situations(現實生活中) will require it, not to mention many professions(職業) such as law and science. Next, academic writing is important in the sense that it’s a well-structured form of writing that relies heavily on(很大程度上依賴於) being logical, forming good arguments, and doing research. This can show how much someone knows on a subject (as well as show their critical thinking skills), how much effort they put into it, and shows that they can write clearly and concisely(簡明扼要的). Last, we have leadership. Being able to lead others, to pave the way, to set a good example and to have a good influence on others is good for a student, and plays well in hand should a student wish to study for something business-related or be in a team sport or class activity.


This next part, which is the final one, will touch up on how international student can increase their chances of getting accepted. The mentality(心態) of western education (as well as employment), is a competitive(競爭的) one. It’s not simple enough to just apply and expect to get in. You have to do more than. You have to give off the idea that you are really wanting it, and that you are deserving(應得) of it. How can someone do that? For starters, pay extra attention to details in the application. If there are optional essays, write them. You can also elaborate more on your interests and personal activities. Show them what all you have achieved and what you have the potential(潛力) to. What also helps, is for the future students to take the lead in their application process. Some good ways to do this are for the student to be the one to do all the contacting with the school – staying in touch and emailing or talking to the admissions officers. Another thing a student can do besides this is to ask plenty of(大量的) questions during the actual school interview – as this shows genuine(真正的) interest in the school. For asking questions about the school, the student should look up important information on the school first.








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